'Pay what you can' offer

What do you do when your child or student isn't as happy as they might be?  Your child is struggling?  Your child is depressed or anxious?  Your child has issues which are going to hold them back - phobias, fears or lack of confidence?  Your child is struggling with relationships?

As parents we all face dilemnas when our kids are struggling - you want to fix it - and sometimes you can't help them on your own.  The issue may not be big enough to seek a referal to CAMHS - yet - but you know it could go either way.  Or maybe you already have a referal, but the waiting list means your child won't be seen for months.

The current situation is challenging for us all - not just psychologically - but also for some of us also financially.  For this reason, I am offering you the opportunity to get help for your young person and pay what you can.


Pay what you can

This is a new thing for me!  There are no hidden catches for you!  I am motivated simply by a desire to help.

I'm hoping that my offer will be received in the spirit in which it is offered by those who will appreciate the opportunity.

When you book your treatment, following a free no-obligation initial meeting, I will send you bank details and request you make payment of what you can, prior to treatment commencing.  Your child, student or class will receive exactly the same treatment, regardless of what you pay.

My usual fees for under 18s are £295 for a 4 session programme, £80 for a one off, or £50 for a follow up session and I hope that those who can pay this will continue to do so, and help support me as I support those who can afford very little.

Link here to my page on 'Hypnosis for children'